Sunday, June 8, 2008

Wowzer, it has been a little while since I last posted - geez I have been a bit slack, or is that a bit busy??? Anyway, I wanted to post these pics of the boys Ali took them in our front yard against the block/rendered wall in the late afternoon. Great silhouettes I reckon! The top one is Ethan and the bottom one is Harrison.
Here is a pic of Harrison with his Grandma. They came over for dinner and Harrison was happy to have his pic taken, Ethan wasn't so obliging.
My nephew Joshua (red hair) celebrated his first birthday at the beginning of May. He had such a great day down at the park. He is such a cutie!
Here is Joshua pulling such a cute face - don't you just want to give him a big cuddle (well, maybe after the birthday cake is wiped away LOL)
I haven't taken a lot of pictures lately. I still have a couple to download from Harrison's sharing day at school and him in his super student cape (yes, we are soooo proud!!)
Only 5 weeks until we hit the snow fields. Ski season opened yesterday and there has been NO snowfall - all manmade so far. They are predicting a great snow season, so fingers crossed it will be all good. Can't wait to see our friends Katie and Anthony and their kids - it's been a while and we always have such a good time together.

I hope everyone is well. Take care xx

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