Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Al

Here is my husband with a part of the present his parents got him. It starts out really small and then when you open the packet, it is full size. Well, I was laughing so hard at what it says - "I'm not bald, just getting more head" and look at the picture at the bottom of the shirt. His poor mum and dad had absolutely no idea what they had bought him!!!
Well, last night we had some friends over for a seafood feast (delicious) and our friends Matt and Amelia bought him this wig. So, with the wig and the shirt, it made for a hilarious night!! Yes, there were a few sore heads today. There is NO way he is ever wearing that shirt outside of the house - HOW EMBARRASSING!!!
This is Al's mate Mat with my wig that I wore to a fancy dress on New Years Eve. Oh dear, scary thought hey. Anyway, it was a fantastic night, laughed so hard my sides hurt. Happy Birthday honey, hope you had a great day, and don't get any ideas now that you have that shirt!!!

1 comment:

Sandy said...